Movies Community of young men trapped in a enclosed space known as The Glade in “The Maze Runner”By Mc Richard PaglicawanJuly 17, 2014 Filmmaker Wes Ball, acclaimed for his kinetic powerful 8-minute short “Ruin” that had internet audiences blown away brings his dynamic…
Movies Group of teenage boys and a lone teenage girl find themselves trapped in a series of massive thick walls in “The Maze Runner”By Mc Richard PaglicawanMarch 18, 2014 20th Century Fox reveals “The Maze Runner” poster exposing a world of thick walls where a group of teenage boys…
Movies 20th Century Fox’ “The Maze Runner” finds its way in cinemas February 2014By Mc Richard PaglicawanAugust 19, 2013 An engaging sci-fi adventure filled with the spectacular visual effects is about to be revealed in “The Maze Runner” directed…