The first trailer for the espionage thriller “The Bourne Legacy,” starring Jeremy Renner, was released online February 8 with the tagline: “There was never just one.” The fourth installment of the “Bourne” series, which previously starred Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, centers on a new CIA operative, played by Renner, who is welcomed to the Outcome program.
The action-packed footage shows the new hero fighting with fierce precision, in scenes that follow up the previous films’ situations.
“The Bourne” movies were a strange anomoly as each movie surpassed their predecessor in terms of quality. Now that Matt Damon is out and Jeremy Renner is in, how will the new breed of “Bourne” films do? It’s clearly the same “Bourne” flavor, and audiences will be happy to get another great actor beating up bad guys. The editing moves so fast that it’s tough to tell how much writer-director Tony Gilroy‘s style will differ from Paul Greengrass‘ (who directed Supremacy and Ultimatum).
The film also stars Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton, Stacy Keach, Oscar Isaac, Albert Finney, Joan Allen, David Strathairn, and Scott Glenn.